Smart Parking
Innovative parking solutions for on-street parking and enforcement
We provide innovative parking solutions for on-street parking and enforcement, increasing the accessibility and livability of the cities. Best-of-breed solutions for cities, municipalities, and commercial companies that own their own parking premises. Our solutions increase the accessibility and livability of the city through parking enforcement regulations.
We combine our solid traffic engineering expertise with the latest knowledge of software and hardware to provide innovative solutions. From a simple, but effective support-app for parking enforcement agents, online parking permit systems, to a full on automated on-street enforcement.

We combine our solid ANPR, vision analytics expertise and traffic engineering experience with the latest knowledge of software and hardware to provide solutions for on-street parking.
SOSPES Enforcement
The digital back-office system that supports on-street parking enforcement. The system allows for the processing of digital ANPR scans of parked vehicles, and validates against both fiscal and illegal parking violations, automatically fining the owner if necessary.
An advanced self-service E-portal for citizens to request, change, and maintain digital parking permits. The system connects with governmental systems for validation of the right to a permit. A parking permit is assigned to eligible citizens within seconds after a request. SOSPES Permit also comes with an advanced visitor-app, allowing permit holders to quickly request visitor parking passes.