Railway Crossing
Railway (or level) crossings are among the most dangerous road intersections. In the EU, almost 1.200 crashes happen annually, resulting in 300 fatal accidents. This accounts for ~30% of railway-related fatalities. What is more, 60% of all crashes happen on active crossings (with barriers installed). Effective enforcement of traffic rules is therefore crucial at these locations.
ARS T&TT advanced traffic safety system detects offenses using Vision Analytics technology. When ignoring the red flashing light, the camera captures the vehicle and registration of the vehicle committing an offence. Besides running a red light, it is also not allowed to stand still on the railway track. The system tracks the vehicles suspected of a violation. It sends a file with visual proof of the offence and license place registration information (based on ANPR) to the back-office. Here it is possible to do a quick manual check and to process violations. The infrared illumination allows for 24/7 operation.
The Railway Crossing safety system significantly improves adherence to the traffic rules, resulting in an increased safety of not only road users, but also train operators and passengers around these sensitive intersection.

Solution advantages
Flexibility of application
The ARS system can be installed on a variety of level crossings, without the need of connecting to the railway data system. Solution supports multilane, multi-rail intersection for any kind of rail operation. The powerful computing with integrated 4G/Wi-Fi requires no need for fiber connections, allowing implementation in remote areas.
Reduced traffic violations
Our solution ensures flawless identification of traffic violations at railway crossings, together with a user-friendly operator dashboard. Violators are penalized with proper evidence, discouraging from repeating such driving behavior. The system is composed of an integrated camera with a CPU and communication dedicated to run Vision Analytic software locally. It only sends images of violators to the central system.
Cost efficiency
Our system does not require physical presence to catch offenders. It presents all required proof of potential violators via a dashboard, where officers can make the final decision on a fine with one click. This results automatically in a neat package for the justice department. In addition these officers can work from any location approved by the rail operator for any location in the field, saving travel costs and time. Additionally, modular hardware feature allows users to upgrade the components "over the air".
Well managed workflows, standard operating procedures, and Role-Location wise system access for the operators increase the accountability of operators, and support in auditing and improvement purposes. The data is processed using the ARS Enforcement Back-office system. The software automatically gathers all materials for a case file, supporting the operators, who only need to confirm the violation.