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Project Digital Road Map Exemptions Completed

On Thursday January 18th 2018, RDW and ARS T&TT festively completed the project for realization of the Exemptions Road Map (Digitale Wegenkaart Ontheffingen, DWO). With the new DWO platform haulers, as transporters of abnormal loads or their representatives, can plan and submit routes to RDW. Annually 30.000 exemptions (single or multiple use) are issued.

In the Netherlands an exemption is required for abnormal transports (indivisible loads larger and/or heavier than legally permitted). The DWO provides information on road works and enables registration of the actual transport. Transporters welcome the improvements that the DWO offers them. The DWO uses ARS T&TT’s planning and logistics Special Transport Planner solution.

RDW is the Netherlands Vehicle Authority in the mobility chain. RDW had developed extensive expertise through its years of experience in executing its statutory and assigned tasks. Tasks in the area of the licensing of vehicles and vehicle parts, supervision and enforcement, registration, information provision and issuing documents. RDW performs this duty on behalf of all the road authorities in the Netherlands. With this project result, RDW makes a significant contribution to road safety, the flow of traffic and preservation of infrastructure.