Restricted Zone
‘Restricted Zone’ is a Traffic Access Control System that successfully redirects unwanted traffic to the routes that are of less hindrance to citizens. The system identifies cut-through and other unwanted traffic to be kept out of certain areas or from desired routes through a blacklist based on vehicle classes. This product is configurable to meet different operational applications, for instance – for certain roads or areas, road authorities can restrict access to the general public, allowing access only to exempted vehicles such as police, buses, delivery vehicles, and garbage collectors.
Conventional solutions with retractable bollards are prone to accidents, which may even leave the road completely closed during bollard controller failures. ANPR-based (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) access control systems do not require any physical obstacles and are always open. Instead, the vehicles are notified through dynamic messaging signs along with optional components, such as flashing lights and audio alarms. Use of license plate and video analytics-based identification and classification checking against a white/black list avoids the need for RFID tags in the vehicles. It can be managed remotely and is easily applied to existing infrastructure. Seamlessly integrated ANPR camera, various sensors and Road Transport Authority database, ensure higher efficiency and effectiveness of the solution. The proven experience with government programs to avoid city traffic and rewarding complied road users, makes the product highly competitive in the market.

Solution advantages
Improved operations
The system ensures improved quality of life for the residents and visitors of the city. Absence of physical barriers guarantees that there are no blockages caused by potential equipment failures. It helps emergency services to pass through the monitored segment swiftly. Well managed workflows, standard operating procedures, Role-Location wise system access for the enforcement operators increase the accountability of operators, and support in auditing and improvement purposes.
Cost efficiency
The system is a cost-effective and low maintenance solution for access control related challenges, which easily integrates vehicle data from even existing ANPR cameras placed at the entry and exit of a restricted zone. Reduced infrastructure requirements and remote maintenance features make it more cost effective.
Next generation Check-Point
Performs as “Virtual Check-Point” with barrier-free operation by replacing the traditional practices. The ANPR data collected by the system can also be used to other applications as required by the decision makers / enforcement authorities. The built-in count and classification features keep track of traffic volume for research and development purposes.
Reduced traffic violations
Flawless identification of unauthorized entry and user-friendly operator dashboards ensure that all violators are penalized with proper evidence, pushing the commuters away from repeating their improper driving behaviors. The system is integrated with the Road Transport Authority database.
Case study

De Bilt
For municipality De Bilt in the Netherlands, we implemented our access control system that successfully directs unwanted traffic to routes that are of less hindrance to citizens. Traffic that is allowed to access the restricted area is not affected by the system.